Posted on September 28, 2018
She Loved Me More – Part 2
So we last left off with the phone call from the woman saying that she thought she was my mother. If you missed reading that, you can find it here.
Now you have to understand, in this “Letter to the Editor”, I had listed my home phone number (this was before cell phones) and my home address. At this time, the newspaper was still delivered door-to-door to many, many homes and businesses. Anyone could have seen my number and called and it could have been a prank call instead of the real thing. So my response, which was probably barely audible, was “Are you sure?” to which she said, “Yes, I am quite sure.”
There I was, standing in my living room, next to the table where the phone was sitting, talking to the woman who had given me life. I am not sure what I said next. Some of it is a little foggy. I could still hear my girls in the tub giggling while my husband was trying to keep an eye on them and still hear what was going on with me. I walked into the kitchen and just stood by the kitchen table as I talked to her. While trying to give my husband a “It’s really her” hand signal, I learned that she only lived about an hour from me in an area close to the bigger city phone book that I had given up on trying to find matches for my uncles and grandfather’s names. Oddly enough, even though she lived in that area, her brothers and father all lived in different states so I would have never found them in it. I could have found her, but wouldn’t have known it because her last name was not her maiden name. Her maiden name was Grover. All that time, I had the first and last name of my grandparents and my uncles because their last names were all Grover and I had received their first names in my initial request for “non-identifying” information. So much for fictitious names. I also learned that my mother had only been married a short time, but that she had kept her married name instead of going back to her maiden name of “Grover” so in my searches, I would not have found her.
In the midst of our conversation, I remember my girls coming out of the bathroom with wet heads and towels wrapped around their little bodies. They ran to me, screaming “Mommy, you’re home” and hugging my legs as I stood there. I could hear my biological mother, Sandy, gasp at the sound of her grandchildren that she had never met. I had stated in the “Letter to the Editor” that I had two children, but didn’t say any more than that, so she didn’t know if they were girls, boys, or how old they were. I told her they were girls along with their names and their ages. I heard her say to someone else in the room that they were girls, so I knew then that she had others with her too. I asked her who was there with her and she said that it was her parents, my grandparents.
I don’t remember much more of our exact conversation over the next few minutes, but at one point, she asked me why I had searched for her. I explained the situation with the lump on my breast and then having the girls had left me wondering about my medical history. I asked her if she had anything I should know about concerning medical history and she said, “Well actually, I have stage 4 breast cancer.” I heard it echo in my head over and over “stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 breast cancer, stage 4 breast cancer” like a broken record. She was explaining how she had undergone Chemo and radiation, which had been fruitless and was now looking at alternative natural treatments…again, it seemed I was only hearing “stage 4 breast cancer”.
We talked that evening for nearly two hours and of course, I didn’t go to the meeting I had come home to get the minutes for. We arranged to meet for the first time about 10 days later on a Sunday afternoon. I promised to bring baby pictures of myself and we would meet at her home.
I called my parents and told them the news and really the next 10 days, I don’t remember much about. I am sure I spoke to Sandy again in between because I remember getting directions to her home and having some conversations around that. I gathered the pictures from my childhood together and likely not near enough to really give my mother any idea of what all my life was like growing up. I am sure I left out some of those awkward pre-teen pictures and just brought the ones that were less unflattering.
The day came for us to make the drive to Sandy’s home. I was the most nervous I had ever been in my entire life. I am rarely nervous. I can easily talk in front of large groups of people, hundreds, even thousands, do not make me nervous, but the thought of meeting this one person, shook me so hard with nerves, I wasn’t sure I would be able to walk. Just my husband and girls went with me this first visit. As we pulled into her driveway and began to get the girls out of their car seats, I carried Mackenzie and my husband had Lakin by the hand. I took a couple of steps and was sure I was going to drop Mackenzie as I neared the front door. I handed her off to her dad and took Lakin’s hand. I opened the screen door and knocked on the inside door. I don’t think there was a window to see in to from the outside, but I remember thinking that at any moment, my mother was going to be standing on the other side of that door.
The door opened and there she was. She was so tiny, barely 100 lbs and looked like a shell of what she had probably once been. It was clear that the cost of Chemo had come at a higher price than just her hair. She moved slowly and appeared very weak. I am sure she was just as nervous as I was, if not, more so. I remember hugging her just inside that door and introducing my husband and our girls to her. She was not alone. Her parents were there along with both of her sisters and each of them had brought their daughters. I was meeting, not only my mother, but also my grandparents, two of my aunts and two of my cousins.
The day was full of pictures and lots of discussion. We talked for at least 6 hours that day and looked at so many pictures. They told me about their family, my new family. I tried to keep it all straight in my head. My family had suddenly multiplied and it was thrilling to learn of it all. Sandy didn’t talk as much as we did. She seemed to just take it all in.
After the first meeting, we planned a larger family gathering that would include my parents along with all of my biological family. Aunts, uncles, cousins, and other extended family were to be there. That day came about 2 weeks after that first meeting. It was overwhelming and wonderful all at the same time. It didn’t go unnoticed, however, at that point that Sandy was really not well. She was so weak and looked very frail. She had been taking natural treatments for the cancer, but there hadn’t been improvements and it was discovered that the cancer had spread to her bones. I am sure she was in pain. However, she was there and talked as much as she could. Her time though, was running short.
Over the next few weeks, we corresponded by phone a few times a week and we would go visit once or twice more. Most of our conversations, after those first couple of family visits, were private. It was in those moments that she answered most of my questions. Prior to then, I had been giving her a “play-by-play” of the last 24 years of my life. In the quietness of the days after that first meeting, she shared her story and those details were hard to imagine. What it must have felt like to leave a hospital knowing your baby was inside waiting to go home with someone else.
I was in college still during this time, but spring break came and I went to visit her more during that time. Hospice had been called in and the days were coming when she would become unresponsive. One Sunday after church, my husband and the girls and I went to see her. Nearly all my uncles and aunts were there as well as cousins. It seemed during this time, we got to know each other even more. As the day went by, it was time for us to take our girls home. Sandy had been in a resting state for some time, unresponsive to the goings on in the room around her. I asked the family to keep me posted.
We set out for home, getting there about an hour later. As we walked in the door, I could hear the phone ringing. My aunt was calling to tell me that the time was closer than they thought and that I might want to consider coming back. I changed my skirt from what I had been wearing all day after church into pants and walked right back to the car. We sat all through the night with her. The living room where her hospice bed was set up was filled with her siblings, parents, and a few of my cousins. I sat on the “davenport” (as my both, my biological and adopted grandmothers referred to the sofa) along with a couple of my cousins, listening to the sound of her labored breaths until there were no more. It was about 5 am on a Monday morning. I spent years wondering about her and trying to find her. I knew her for 6 weeks and then she went Home.
This story seems to end here, but really, this was all just the beginning. The beginning of an extended family I never expected to have. I have remained in contact with all my aunts and uncles, cousins, and even friends of Sandy’s. I have been so blessed by all that came from this experience. I wouldn’t trade it for anything.
I was never one of those adopted kids that felt like my mother didn’t want me so she gave me away. I was never, ever bitter towards her. I never felt like I didn’t belong. Once I met Sandy and we talked, I saw that I was right to not feel those things. I am so glad I didn’t spend the first 24 years of my life resenting someone for something that wasn’t true. I know so many adopted children who do that. Yes, she gave me up, not for her benefit, but for mine. She loved me more than she loved herself. Sure, she felt shame in the consequence of her actions that led to me, but she didn’t do it for that purpose, she did it because she wanted more for me than what she could give me on her own. She loved me more. She put me first. She gave me life and then gave me a life that was better than she could provide. She wanted me to experience something she couldn’t give me.
I love her for loving me more.
Sandy knew the Lord and spent much of her time in the Word and worshiping Him. I know where she is and I know my mom is with her now. Both of my moms are together in Paradise with our Lord and my best years with each of them are still to come.
Posted on September 19, 2018
In honor of my birthday this week, I thought I would share the story of me. I was adopted. I was only a week old when my parents adopted me. They got a call the day I was born and was told I was theirs and a week later, I went home with them.
I don’t remember a time that I didn’t know I was adopted. My parents told me when I was young, before I started Kindergarten and then continued to talk about it openly throughout the years. I was always curious and wondered what my “real” mom was like. I had wonderful parents and siblings (although I didn’t always think so at different times when my brother stuck a dandelion in my mouth or when I fought with my sister or was grounded by my parents) in my adopted family, but that didn’t keep me from being curious about my biological mom. That is just how people are. I was the middle child in my adopted family and my older brother and younger sister were both biological to my parents, so I was the only one adopted, although most would have thought if one of us was adopted, it would have been my sister because she didn’t look as much like my mom, brother and I. I, amazingly, resembled my family more than my own sister who was flesh and blood akin.
All I knew as I grew up was my birth name was Julie Ann Grover and that my parents were told that it was a “made-up” name just for the sake of legal documents. For the first six months of a child’s life that is put up for adoption, they are technically only foster children and the adoptive parents are foster parents until after those six months. My legal name was Julie Grover on all the paperwork. After the six months, my parents legally adopted me and changed my name to Jennifer Lynn. Other than that, the adoption attorney also mentioned that my adopted mom and my biological mom looked somewhat alike. That was the only information my parents had concerning me and all I ever knew growing up.
Please know, being adopted did not make me angry at my biological mother. In fact, I recognized early on that it was a sacrifice she made for me out of love. I can’t imagine how difficult it was to carry a child for nine months and then give it to someone else to love and care for. I knew it was a tremendous sacrifice.
As I got older, my desire to know more about my medical history played a larger role than curiosity. I got married when I was just 19 years old and a few months after my marriage, my mom’s younger sister passed from breast cancer. She was just 36. I began to think that maybe a self-breast exam was not a bad thing to start doing so I did and the very first time I did, I found a lump. Let me tell you that will scare the dickens out of you! I had just seen my aunt fight a horrendous battle and succumb to breast cancer 2 weeks before and now I am finding a lump in my breast. I decided maybe it was only there because maybe it was a monthly ovulation cycle or something that was causing strange things in my body. I kept an eye on it for a few weeks, all the while, not telling my new husband that I had found it and silently living in fear that I had breast cancer. Finally, I told my husband and he made me call the doctor. The doctor was 99% certain it was benign, but it would require surgery to remove it. I underwent surgery for a lumpectomy in August 1990 and a biopsy confirmed it was benign. THANK YOU, GOD!
After that scare, I wanted to know as much as I could about my biological medical history. I was born at a local hospital and adopted through a state agency in the city I was born in and lived near my whole life. I contacted the state agency to see what I needed to do to get answers. Since I was under 21 years of age, my adopted parents would need to sign and have a document notarized giving their authority to search for my biological mother. They did immediately and I received “non-identifying” information concerning my mother and her family. These papers were copies of papers filled out at the time of her decision to place me up for adoption. They consisted of a questionnaire that had my biological mother’s first name, Sandra, and personal description such as hair color, eye color, height, weight, age, education level, marital status, and occupation. The same information was listed for my grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles. For my biological father, there was very little listed, just this height, weight, occupation, and that he didn’t know of my birth. There was, however, in all these papers, no medical history information.
For a few years, this seemed to satisfy my curiosity.
Later in 1990, due to some other female issues, unrelated to the lump in my breast, the doctor diagnosed me with a condition similar to endometriosis and was concerned that my chances for having children would be diminished over time. So, my husband and I immediately began trying to have a baby. I was pregnant by November 1990, but subsequently miscarried that pregnancy in January 1991. We conceived again in September 1991 and our first daughter, Lakin, was born in May 1992. My delivery was difficult and I ended up having a cesarean section after days of unproductive labor. In February 1993, we conceived again and Mackenzie was born in October 1993, again with an unplanned cesarean section.
By this time, I was beginning to give a lot of thought to my medical history again because now it wasn’t just me I was concerned about, but also, I had two daughters with the same genetic make-up. What would they ultimately need to know about their medical history? I decided to start looking for “identifying” information concerning my biological family. I contacted the state agency again. They gave me a lot of run around for a long, long time and finally told me that they had to find her first to determine if she wanted to be found and then I could contact her. They looked her name up in a local phone book and said when they didn’t find it, they had reached a “dead end”. It was disappointing.
I thought that I could do a little better than that myself, so I started going through local phone books looking for my uncle and grandfather’s names. I had three uncles and a grandfather that I suspected were still living and since I knew I was born locally, perhaps they were still living in the area. I scoured over all the local phone books and then moved on to one for a large city nearby. That larger book did me in. I couldn’t look at any more pages after months of going through name after name, while my girls napped and after they went to bed at night, looking for my uncle/grandfather’s names. You have to remember, this was in 1993 – 1994 and EVERYONE had a landline back then. I thought I would go cross-eyed if I didn’t quit.
Besides being a “stay-at-home” mom to two little girls, I was also in college full-time and serving in a local community club as recording secretary. In that community club, there was a young mom who had once given a baby up for adoption.
This young mom also worked at the local newspaper in the town I was born in. She thought that since I had so much information concerning my biological mother’s family, someone might know them and could help me put the pieces together. She knew she, as the biological mother, would want her child to hopefully find her someday. She suggested I write a “Letter to the Editor” giving the information I know and my contact information. I did just that. I went home and wrote it immediately, proofed it, but didn’t print it and send it just then. This was in August 1994.
I listed my name, birth date, and age. I gave the hospital I was born in, gave all the names I had received from the state agency, and then went on to explain that because of my biological mother’s sacrifice, I had lived a wonderful life with two parents, two siblings, lots of loving family, and was now happily married (this was BEFORE my divorce) and mother to two children. I gave my contact information and wrapped it up with a heartfelt note to my mother.
A few months went by and it was January 1995. Again I had not printed the letter and sent it to the paper, only written it. I stopped at our local grocery store and ran into the young mom from my community club. She asked me if I had ever written the “Letter to the Editor” because she had not seen it. I told her I hadn’t, but that I really didn’t know why I hadn’t. She told me to go home and do it right away. She was excited for me to see if this would lead to me finding her or at least someone that might know something about it.
I took my groceries home and immediately printed the letter and mailed it. A couple of days later, the paper called and said they had received it and would be publishing it on Thursday of that week. They wished me luck and hung up. I kind of pushed the whole thing out of my mind. I was studying for a college test on Thursday when a friend called to say she had seen it in the paper and she was excited for me. I asked her to save me a copy of the paper, because I wasn’t sure I would get one. Again, I really was not wrapping my mind around it because I had been searching myself for a couple of years and I guess I didn’t want to get my hopes up. I continued to study and left for my class when my husband got home from work. No one had called other than the one friend at that point. That night, after the test, I was going to the community club meeting that I was a part of as well. My husband was taking our girls to his parents to visit that evening and then would be home.
As I drove from school to the meeting, I realized that I had left the minutes for the meeting at home (remember I was recording secretary) so I had to go home before going to the meeting. I ran into the house to grab the book and then turned to run back out while calling to my husband to say it was just me and that I was only grabbing the book. He had our girls in the bath and before I could get back out the door, he called me back in. He said that there were several messages on the answering machine (again it was 1995) and that he had written all of them down but one because he didn’t catch what she said her number was with the girls giggling in the house. He explained that the ones he wrote down were just wishing me luck or offering other suggestions on how to find my mother.
I decided to listen to the machine to get the one that he hadn’t written down and to quickly call it back before heading to the meeting. I called the number and the voice that had matched the one on the machine answered. I explained that I had received the message they had left concerning the letter in the paper. She said, “Yes, I believe I am your mother.”
Watch for Part 2
~ Jennifer
Posted on March 31, 2018
Just this past Monday, my wonderful mom went home to be with the Lord.
Mom had a wonderful laugh, anyone who knew her, knew THAT for sure and can probably hearing it in their heads at this moment. I can. She also had a wonderful singing voice. Distinct, like no other person I knew. Again, some of you can hear it now. I can.
Every person that passes through this life leaves a legacy. Whether good or bad, they leave a legacy. Some have their names on buildings. Others have scholarships and trusts. Mom left behind a legacy too. It wasn’t the memory of her laugh or her beautiful singing voice. It was me. Well, not totally, but I am a part of her legacy. Not because I am her daughter, but because I am her sister – her sister in Christ.
Mom called nearly every woman in her life “Sister”, even me sometimes. The truth is, in the natural, we are not bound together by the same bloodline. I was adopted by my parents from another mother who loved me. But spiritually, we have the same bloodline – the precious blood of Jesus.
Mom loved to talk about the things of God. She was sensitive to His voice. She read His word daily and lived her life according to what she knew He had for her. She praised Him for all He’d given her and all He promised for her future. She had a boldness to speak to anyone and everyone about her Lord. If you had a conversation with her about the things of God, you weren’t the only one. She talked to everyone about Him.
The Word tells us in Mark 16:15 that Jesus told us to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to all creation.” This passage is often referred to as “The Great Commission”. It is not intended only for ministers, but for all Christians. Mom did that. She went into all HER world and spoke the Gospel. She wanted everyone to know her Lord as their Lord.
If she spoke the Gospel to you and if you accepted Christ as your Lord, you are a part of her legacy – just like me. Her legacy will continue in me, in you, in others she met. It becomes our legacy too. The difference between this legacy and the one with buildings with names emblazed on them is eternal versus temporal. Those buildings will deteriorate someday, they could be renamed, they could be destroyed by fire, storms, etc., but a legacy like the one Mom left behind, is eternal. The rewards of her legacy are there for her, for me, for you, for all of eternity. No other legacy is greater.
Psalms 78:4 (GNB)
We will not keep them from our children; we will tell the next generation about the Lord’s power and his great deeds and the wonderful things he has done.
Because of this legacy, our best years together are still to come. My mom is in my future because of her love for the Lord and my love for the Lord. We will have eternity together and for that, I am eternally grateful. Thank You, Lord for giving us eternity with You.
I was tremendously blessed with a beautiful, wonderful Mom and, while I will still miss her between now and then, knowing we will have eternity together makes the wait a whole lot sweeter.
1 Thessalonians 4:13 NIV
But we do not want you to be uninformed, brethren, about those who are asleep, so that you will not grieve as do the rest who have no hope.
Posted on January 31, 2018
God Wants You Healed – Always!
Did you know it is God’s desire that you are NEVER EVER sick a single day of your life? If we are not living that way, it is no one’s fault but our own. Yes, I know that sounds harsh, but it is still true. He provided for healing, just like He did for salvation. In fact, healing is part of the redemption package. Not sure what is in the redemption package? I won’t do a full teaching on the full redemption package here today, but it includes, forgiveness of sin, righteousness, eternal life, prosperity, healing, and peace. Those things, if we are born again, are what Jesus provided for us when He went to the cross and rose again.
Today, we will focus on healing. This is going to be a bit of a “high level” teaching. That is a business term we used in the business world that was to say, “we aren’t going in depth here, just hitting the highlights.” So for a more in depth teaching, I may offer some videos and/or one on one teaching via Skype. We will see. Let me know if that interests you.
In order to receive anything from God, we need to have faith. We needed faith to receive salvation and the same is true for healing. The problem for most people is the symptoms speak louder than our faith and we succumb to the symptoms until we die. We resolve to think “I gotta die from something.” That is not true, there is nothing in the Word of God that says we are to be sick when we die. In fact, God desires that we just have a greater desire to join Him in paradise than to live on earth any longer. That we just choose to go to heaven. He doesn’t want us to spend a single minute of our lives on earth sick.
Let’s start in Isaiah 53:4-5…I am going to use the Amplified Classic version for immediate clarity.
4 Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy].
5 But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.
This is found in the Old Testament, demonstrating what Christ was coming to do for us. The past tense parallel passage is found in 1 Peter 2:24.
He personally bore our sins in His [own] body on the tree [as on an alter and offered Himself on it], that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed.
In the Isaiah 53 passage, it says that Jesus took our griefs which translates to sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses and carried our sorrows and pains. In the Hebrew, the word they used for “sorrows” was “makob” and is defined as “pains”. So this verse clearly states that Christ took those things for us so that we would not need to live in them ourselves. Why would He take them if we were going to suffer in them anyway? He never intended that we would. If we are walking in any sickness, pain, or any other ailment, it is because we aren’t standing in faith.
Have you ever been to an “all-you-can-eat” restaurant? You know that if you leave there hungry at all, it is your own fault, right? How many times have you heard people say that about places that give you huge portion sizes or when you are at a buffet? I hear it all the time….maybe I have been going to way too many buffets!
Anyway, this is like that. Think of the things Christ took on for us when He went to the cross. Think about walking up to the buffet and seeing a spread made up of “forgiveness, prosperity, peace, healing, eternal life, righteousness, etc. Imagine walking up to that buffet, knowing you can have all of it, but only choosing “forgiveness”, “righteousness” and “eternal life”. What will happen? Eventually, you will begin to hunger for the other things that buffet had. The pain will set in and ultimately, you find yourself sick.
I recognize that the forgiveness, righteousness, and eternal life things are easier to receive. They just happen because you made a decision to accept Christ as your Lord. Why can’t you decide you want to live in healing too? Why can’t you decide that you want to live without pain too? What is stopping you from walking in healing just like you walk in forgiveness and righteousness? Well, the symptoms probably speak otherwise, right? Guess what, I don’t wake up every morning feeling righteous, but I walk in it. I don’t wake up every morning experiencing eternal life, but I know it is mine and no one can take that from me. So why do we allow the devil to put symptoms on us to make us think we aren’t healed?
You do know that sickness and pain comes from the devil, don’t you? Would you take something else the devil tries to give you? He might try to tell you to rob a convenience store, but you don’t let him talk you into that, do you? Why do you let him talk you into symptoms? All symptoms are from the devil. God is never going to give you symptoms. He doesn’t have symptoms to give to anyone. There is no sickness in heaven and He can only give you what His kingdom has. The devil’s kingdom is earth and that is where sickness and disease lives. They are his weapons.
Knowing that God doesn’t desire for us to live in sickness and disease and that He sent His Son to pay the price so we wouldn’t have to live in it, how do we live that way? By faith. How do we get into and stay in faith? What do we do when symptoms start?
There are 4 steps of faith and if we follow these steps, we can have faith for healing and anything else God promises. (The steps listed below are taken primarily from the book Foundation for Faith by Kenneth E Hagin.)
- Find the promise in God’s Word for your situation
- Believe God’s Word and speak it out
- Do not consider contradictory circumstances
- Praise God for the answer
Let’s talk these through.
“Find the promise in God’s Word for your situation.” What are you needing? Are you needing healing? Then find scriptures where God promises you that. I have given you Isaiah 53:4-5 and 1 Peter 2:24, but there are others: Psalm 103:2-5, Proverbs 4:20-22, etc. Get into the Word and find them.
“Believe God’s Word and speak it out.” Do you believe just part of the Word? Do you pick and choose what you want to believe about the Word? No, you know God doesn’t lie, so believe it all! Now, speak it out! When a symptom arises, tell it what the Word says about it and dismiss it. We see throughout the Word that when we want something, we need to speak it out. Jesus spoke to the fig tree. He tells us to speak to the mountain to be moved. Faith works by action and speaking is an action. Kenneth E Hagin said, “Faith in your heart, released through your lips will bring results.” It isn’t enough to just believe it, we need to speak it!
“Do not consider contradictory circumstances.” Symptoms are contradictory circumstances. Doctor reports are contradictory circumstances. Thoughts from the devil are contradictory circumstances. Those are not good reports. We only listen to good reports. In Romans 4:18 – 21, Abraham had heard from God that he was to be the father of many nations. His body said otherwise. Sarah’s body said otherwise. But he didn’t consider those circumstances. He only heard the good report from God and without weakening in his faith, he did not waver. The NIV (and others) say he was “fully persuaded that God had the power to do what he had promised” regardless of the contradictory circumstances. I love that phrase, “fully persuaded”! He didn’t let anything cause him to doubt what God said He would do. He stood in his faith and he saw the promises of God fulfilled. That is exactly what we need to do.
“Praise God for the answer.” To have faith for something, we need to believe we have already received it (“by His stripes, we WERE healed” – the work is done) and just praise God for it even if the circumstances are still unchanged. Look at it this way, if you were to win the lottery, does the money just start falling from the sky? No, you have to wait for it to manifest. That check doesn’t arrive for a few days (or longer…I have never won the lottery so I don’t know how long it takes for the money to come, but I know it doesn’t fall from the sky.) but that doesn’t mean you aren’t going to receive it. Believe me, if you win the lottery, you are going to be praising God immediately. There will be screaming, jumping up and down, tears, and true thankfulness. You don’t wait until the money comes to start that celebration, you begin immediately because you know you have already won it. This is like that. If you have found it in the Word, you are believing God’s Word it true, you have spoken it out loud, you are disregarding the circumstances, you praise God NOW for it. The victory has been won and as a result you are more than a conqueror, so praise Him now for what He has already done for you.
This reminds me of a story my husband has told while preaching on being more than a conqueror. He says that when Evander Holyfield stepped into the boxing ring, he would get punched and beaten, even have both his ears bitten off (by Mike Tyson), but he would win. There he would stand, bleeding from his face (and ears), trying to stand up and he would receive that big fat paycheck. I am sure he had a moment when it all seemed worth it. He was a conqueror. Then his wife would come over and take that check right out of his hand. She was MORE THAN A CONQUEROR! She didn’t have to enter the ring, get beaten, barely able to stand up, but she reaped the reward…the paycheck. That is what Jesus did for us. He was the Conqueror. He fought the fight. He took the stripes upon His back. We get to reap the reward. We are more than conquerors.
It is time we walked in that victory and claimed what is ours. Healing is yours, if you will receive it.
Again, this was a high level overview of healing. There are other things that certainly be deep-dived into here and I will probably do more of it over time, but in the meantime, if you are dealing with sickness and want more teaching on it, let me know and we will work something out. It is my desire that you are healed. I don’t want anyone living in pain and sickness and neither does the Lord!
Posted on January 2, 2018
Ah…the New Year brings multiple things to mind…
- Midnight kisses
- Fun with friends and family
- Food, food and more food
- Fresh starts
- New Year’s resolutions
There it is is…what comes to my mind when I think of a new year. That and how long will it take me to start writing 2018 instead of 2017 on everything. Just for the record, today is January 2 and I am 0 for 2 just today. NOTE: I didn’t write it yesterday because I did absolutely nothing all day. Yes, NOTHING!
Back to the list of things the New Year brings to mind. Midnight kisses are fun. Friends and family are fun. Food is always fun. Fresh starts, who doesn’t love a fresh start? But New Year’s Resolutions?? Why do we hate them so much? Probably because it is always stuff like: Lose weight, pay down debt, organize my pantry/kitchen/closet/office/life, etc. Sure, sometimes we include things like: Read more books, spend time with family, take a vacation, etc. Those are the fun ones, but they are almost always just peppered in with those first several that are not any fun at all. No wonder we often don’t make it to February with our resolutions.
So let’s break down what a resolution is. We are resolving to ourselves (and at times, others) that we will do a particular thing. The word “resolve” means to “decide firmly on a course of action”. That is a pretty heavy word…”firmly”. I don’t just decide, but I firmly decide to take a course of action. I am not sure adding the word “firmly” changes the meaning all that much. Hopefully when I decide I am going to do something, that should be enough. So basically we can understand that the word “resolve” means to decide to do something. I decide to do something every single day before getting out of bed. In fact, just the act of getting out of bed is a decision. I am making resolutions every day and sticking to them! Man, I am better at this resolution thing than I realized. I resolve to brush my teeth, to shower, to put on clothes (except for yesterday when I stayed in my pajamas all day, but then again, that was a decision too, so SWEET! I am on a role!), etc. These resolutions don’t have to be so hard and when they aren’t that hard, then I feel much better about myself! WooHoo! I think I am on to something here.
BUT, as good as all this sounds, I still don’t get much more accomplished this year than I did the last if I don’t make some resolutions for the long term and not just in the moment. That being said, let’s talk about real resolutions. The kind we firmly decide on a course of action.
Let’s go back to the list of resolutions I started with…lose weight, pay down debt, organize my life, etc. What is interesting is that each of these things and all others we can possibly think of are made much easier with a helper. Isn’t it easier to lose weight when you have someone helping you? Paying down debt is much easier when someone can help you straighten out your finances and see ways to save. Organizing anything is easier with help. Even tools can help us, tools like calorie counting apps, or pedometers, or debt calculators, or budgets, or storage bins, or baskets, and the like. These are all tools and resources to help us with these things.
Let’s look at another source, other tools that can help us. The Lord! Do you know that one of His names means the Helper? The Hebrew word for God is YHWH (Yahweh) and it has several meanings and one of those is “YHWH – my help or helper”. Who better to have has a helper? The One that says He will never leave us or forsake us. The One that dwells within us at all times through the Holy Spirit. Friends/trainers/bankers and the like that are helping us are not available 24/7/365, but God is. He is always there to help us. Don’t think you need God to help you organize your life including the pantry? Trust me, I’ve seen my pantry and I do need God to help me! He is the Organizer. He is our Trainor. He is our debt Counselor. Our problem is that we don’t let Him be that for us. We always seek natural ways to do things, without consulting Him first. Sure, we can organize our lives without Him, but He is far better at it than we are. We can even lose weight without Him, but our will power is only so strong. God gives us strength when ours isn’t enough. He can help us when we just want to give up. His Word is the tool you can use when you need direction. He is there in the Living Word. He is there in the Holy Spirit within you. He always there. There is nothing He can’t help you with. He longs to help us. He wants us to ask Him for help.
In James 1:5 He says
“If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to him.”
He says here that He will give us wisdom when we ask him for it without condemnation. He isn’t like a friend or a family member who might find fault in us for having our lives so messed up in the first place. Have you ever gone to a friend for help and they help, but you can tell that they are thinking, “How did you get yourself into this mess?” God doesn’t do that. He just helps. That is how He loves us. I just LOVE that about Him! No judging, no condemnation, no weird looks, none of that. Just love and help!
Instead of making multiple resolutions in 2018, make just one.
“I resolve to rely on God as my helper in whatever I decide to do in 2018.”
That is one resolution I like and can get excited about.

Updated on October 13, 2017
Start Living the Best Life
(This picture has nothing really to do with living the best life, I just like it.)
The Lord will send a blessing on your barns and on everything you put your hand to. The Lord your God will bless you in the land He is giving you. – Deuteronomy 28:8
So there it is, the word of the Lord, but do you find yourself not walking in this kind of blessing? Do you keep feeling like you’re just not there yet? Do you struggle every day and wondering when your “barns” are going to be blessed and when everything you put your hand to will prosper?
Maybe you are not in the right “land”. Let’s go a little further…
The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity – in the fruit of your womb, the young of your livestock and the crops of your ground – in the LAND He swore to your forefathers to give you. The Lord will open the heavens, the storehouse of His bounty, to send rain on your LAND in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. – Deuteronomy 28:11-12
He talks about blessing you in the land he has given you in chapter 15 also.
However, there should be no poor among you, for in the LAND the Lord your God is giving you to possess as your inheritance, He will richly bless you, – Deuteronomy 15:4
So how does this work? Through obedience. Let’s continue in chapter 15.
If only you fully obey the Lord your God and are careful to follow all these commands I am giving you today. For the Lord your God will bless you as He has promised and you will lend to many nations but will borrow from none. You will rule over many nations but none will rule over you. – Deuteronomy 15:5-6
Sound familiar? He told us that same thing later in chapter 28. He also tells us in chapter 28 that we will receive this blessing by obedience.
If you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all His commands I give you today, the Lord your God will set you high above all nations on earth. All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you will obey the Lord your God: – Deuteronomy 28:1-2
The chapter goes on describing all the blessings that will come to those who obey the commands of the Lord. They cover everything. You should read it. It is good to know what you can expect when you are obeying God.
Now, let’s delve in here a little further. I know I want all that God has set aside for me and I am sure you do too, but what does this “land” thing mean. I get the obedience part, right? I follow the 10 commandments the best I can. I try to always do the right thing, but is that all He is asking of me?
Well sometimes, being obedient also means listening to God daily and being obedient in what He tells you in the moment. It is following in His plans and purposes in your life. It is listening and hearkening to what He is asking you to do. It might be as simple as Him prompting you to give someone $5 or to offer to pick someone up for church. It might be Him telling you to start looking for a new job or to take a promotion. It might be Him telling you help your neighbor or to forgive your ex. Ooohh…I know….that one stings a little. It is all an act of obedience and when we walk in obedience, God blesses us like crazy! Isn’t it worth it?
Being in the “land” He has given us can be an act of obedience too. Our “land” includes, but is not limited to, our career, our job, our town, our church, our friends, our relationships, even our family. I am sure you are seeing what I mean by some of these obvious ones, but how is it that our relationships is considered the “land” God has given us? Let’s break it down.
Relationship Land
God tells us in His word that we are to be cautious of who we spend our time with. Yes, He is very clear that we are to be selective about our relationships which suggests being intentional about selecting the company we keep.
Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. – Psalm 1:1
Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” – 1 Corinthians 15:33
But now I am writing you that you must not associate with anyone who calls himself a brother but is sexually immoral or greedy, an idolator or a slanderer, a drunkard, or a swindler. With such a man do not even eat. – 1 Corinthians 5:11
Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? … Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. – 2 Corinthians 6:14,17
Do not make friends with a hot-tempered man, do not associate with one easily angered, or you may learn his ways and get yourself ensnared. – Proverbs 22:24-25
God has warned us and warned us, as you can see above, repeatedly to not be in relationships with friends or otherwise with people that are unbelievers, who are indulging in sinful lives, and who are easily angered. These are just a few of the scriptures that talk about this, there are many others. Who we keep company with is a “land” and God wants us in relationships with people that are going to encourage us in godly ways, who will build us up and help us live holy, not pull us into their unholy and sinful ways. If you find that your relationship “land” is not on course to draw you closer to God, then God can’t bless you in that land. Ask Him to send “good” company to you.
A friend of ours shares in his book that he was once engulfed in a life of drugs and partying. He knew God wanted him to leave that life, but he was afraid that even if he went back home, he would fall into the same entrapments with some of the same friends he had when he first started on this journey to a sinful, drug-consumed life. He prayed that God would give him friends that were godly men and that would encourage him to pursue godly things. He went to church that first Sunday back in his hometown and after the service, a man introduced himself to our friend and asked him to have lunch with him that day after the service. They became friends and they are not only friends still today, but both are in the ministry and are continuing to pursue the life God had for them. They were blessed in the land of their relationship.
God will give you friends if you are obedient to pursue Him and the things of Him. He will bless you in all your relationships when you pursue Him in the process. He will give you a godly spouse and friends. He wants you to desire those things.
Career/Job Land
We all have a calling on our lives. Our career is often a part of that calling or even a preparation for the calling. God graces us with talents, giftings, etc. to fulfill our calling and often that includes our career, although not always are the two synonymous. For example, I worked in the banking industry for just over 11 years and many would say it was my career. I loved my job and God graced me to do it using talents and giftings He put into me, but that wasn’t my ultimate calling on my life. However, it was where He wanted me for the time being. For some, it could be that they are meant to be a doctor or a dentist or a vet or a garbage man or an electrician or a gardener or a mailman. Whatever it is, there is no better place to be than in your calling because THAT is the land where God will bless you. Sometimes, it is only for a season, like mine, or maybe it is for a lifetime, like others, but regardless, we are blessed when we are where God wants us in our calling.
It could be that we are in our calling or career, but not in the right job. Again, I mentioned that I was in the banking industry. Within that industry, I was a banker in a local branch for 6 years and then later was a business development officer outside the branch for over 5 years. If I had decided I didn’t want to be a banker anymore and instead went to be a branch manager, I would not have been in the “land” God had for me and I would not have been blessed abundantly in that place. I know this because I did apply to be a branch manager at a different branch, but I didn’t consult God first. I just applied. (If you thought I was perfect, this is ANOTHER example of how I am NOT.) Then as the time was coming for the applicants to be considered, God told me that He had something else for me instead. I could have ignored Him and went for what I could see in the natural as a nice comfy job closer to home with more flexibility and pay. However, this time, I listened to God and waited. A few months later, the business development officer position opened which gave me not only better pay and better flexibility, but it was a role that I knew I would love way more than the branch manager role. And I did! God blessed me abundantly in the role and He used it to prepare me for my future.
Now that was being in the right career, but not the right job or role. We need to be in the right job company too. That is also a land. Who we work with, where our company is located, how the company operates, etc. are all important for us to be in the right place. God may want to bless us through our co-workers or bless our co-workers through us. If we are in the wrong company, but in the right industry, we could not be in the land God has given us and we are missing the best God has for us.
A friend of ours is an electrical engineer and he worked for a company that paid him very well, but he just never seemed satisfied and he dealt with some heartache and issues along the way. Finally he consulted God and He told him that wasn’t the company He had wanted him to work for anyway. Our friend left that company and went to one that God had ordained for him to be in and what a difference it was for him. He loves his job, doing the same thing as at the other company, but doing it in the land God had given him made all the difference.
Pray these things out before just doing what you want and God will show you where your place is in the land He has given you.
Family Land
EEEERRRRTTTT—-I literally heard your brakes slam on! What does that mean??? Family Land? We don’t get to pick our family? Yep, I could hear it as if you said it to my face. You are right, we don’t get to pick our blood family. That DNA is already coursing through our veins. BUT, similarly to our relationships, we do need to restrict ourselves from spending a lot of time with family that lives differently than we do. We all have family members that do not live with the same set of moral, godly, and holy guidelines we do. That doesn’t mean we don’t still love them and pray for them and keep in touch to some degree, but that doesn’t mean they are in our immediate circle. I have family like this. Yes, I see some at weddings, funerals, reunions, get-togethers, etc., and we laugh together, talk, enjoy each other’s company, but I don’t have them in my daily lives.
Many families have parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, and on and on that do not live according to the standards that God expects them to live. As a result, those in that situation should limit the amount of time spent with those that live differently. Am I telling you to “disown” your family if they are not living the way you are? NO, I am telling you to limit your time with them. The same scriptures above in the relationship land section apply here. God cannot bless you abundantly if you are surrounding yourself with unholy people. Including family.
That is all I am going to say about that because I have said enough. Pray and ask God to reveal to you who you should spend time with. He will give you wisdom. He says in His word that He will never withhold wisdom when His children seek it. James 1:5-8
Church Land
Did you know that God wants you in a specific church? And sometimes, it isn’t even the church YOU want to be in. Christians think it is up to them to choose their church and they will go and sit in several churches. One right after another, weighing the plusses against the minuses. “This one has a great youth program, but doesn’t do small groups.” “This one is trendy and all their worship music is contemporary, but the pastor is dry and uses the word “Amen” too much.” “This one has a great children’s department and our friends go here, but their service times are too early.” Christians must seek God to go to the church HE desires for them, not what we desire. Why? Because He will bless us in the LAND He has given us! If we choose our own church and it goes contrary to what God wants, we miss the blessing and others miss their blessing through us.
God is very clear that we are to be in church, (Hebrews 10:25) therefore; He has a church home for us all. We are all a part of a church body and we all have a part to play. Let’s say in the body, you are a right thumb. That is your part in the church body. If you are not attending church, the church is missing a right thumb. How well would you function without your right thumb. Somethings would be harder to do than others. Your right thumb has a supply it is to bring. If you try to function without that right thumb, you will have to find a new way to do things, it may take longer and maybe not be as good as it could have been if you had the right thumb.
The same is true if you are a right thumb in church, but in the wrong church. If you are in the wrong church, you would be an extra right thumb. Having more is not always a good thing. If you had two right thumbs, wouldn’t it be difficult to function with? It is a handicap in and of itself. No one wants two right thumbs! No one!
But if you are a right thumb, in the church body that God designed you for, imagine the blessing that comes not just to you for being the right thumb in the right body, but also to the church for being a unified body where everyone has a part, functioning in their proper place.
Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it. – 1 Corinthians 12:27
But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as He wanted them to be. – 1 Corinthians 12:18
1 Corinthians 12:12-27 is worth reading. To save time and space, I didn’t put it all in here, but you should read that if you are concerned you might not be where God wants you.
I once had someone tell me that they felt a church was right for them, but not their children because the children’s program was not as good as they would like it to be. If God has called you to a church, your children will benefit from the same church regardless of whether they have a great children’s department or not. God is not going to leave your children in the “dust” while He uses you in a church. I have news for you, there is nothing in the Bible that says a church must have a great children’s program to be successful at teaching your children. Children, youth, and adults all heard the same message in the first churches in scripture. There is nothing that indicates that disciples had the children go to a different area and do puppets for them while the adults listened to Jesus. There is no evidence that any of the disciples were youth ministers that were separated out to the back room to eat pizza, play pool, build their own worship band and have their own sermon.
Don’t get all upset with me now, I am not saying that churches shouldn’t do those things. My church has a children’s program and I am a co-pastor of that church. I am saying that if God tells you to be a part of a church that doesn’t meet all YOUR standards of what YOU want for your family, don’t worry about it. Just be obedient and be in the church land God chose for you and He will bless you for it.
Seek God when you are looking for a church and don’t listen to anything/anyone else.
Start Living the Best Life
Put your life in order with God’s desires for you. Get into the land that He has chosen for you in all aspects of your life and you will live in the abundance God has for you. You will be walking out the best plan He has for you and in that, blessings will abound. There is no other life more blessed than the one in the land God has given you.
Get into the word of God, seek His face, hear His voice, be obedient, praise Him for all He has provided for you, and He will bless you abundantly.
~ Jennifer

Updated on July 14, 2017
Dating? Listen to God. No, Seriously!
How I wish I could go back and undo a million dating mistakes! And marriage mistakes! I know I have told you that I was married twice before. I regret having not listened to God while I was even considering dating them. Both times, I was unequally yoked with them. What does it mean to be unequally yoked? In our case, I was a born-again believer in Christ and they weren’t. The Word of God says that believers should not be yoked together with non-believers. (2 Cor 6:14-18) Being unequally yoked isn’t the only reason these men weren’t right for me, but it should have been a red flag. A HUGE red flag!
I was actually getting ready to walk down the aisle in both weddings and literally heard God tell me not marry them. I pushed His voice aside and got married. Yeah, I know…you’re thinking…”what a dimwit! I would never ignore God that way!” And frankly, I truly hope you don’t ignore God that way! The divorce rate is ridiculous in Christian marriages. Not that the two are necessarily connected because God can heal even the most broken marriages, even marriages He didn’t ordain, but if we didn’t listen to Him before dating, during the engagement, and at the altar, odds are good we aren’t listening to Him during a separation and subsequent divorce.
So how do you avoid all my mistakes?
BEFORE dating anyone (or start now), seek the Lord’s will for yourself.
Ask Him to bring the man/woman into your life that will be His will for you.
Dispatch angels to bring that person to you. Angels are sent to us from God to be sent forth on our command to serve us, as long as it lines up with God’s Word. (Heb 1:14)
As you meet people, listen for God’s voice so you don’t get into a relationship you weren’t intended to be in. That will save you a lot of heartache and time for you and the other person.
Once, before me, my husband met someone and God told him not to date her. She was a born again believer so they were equally yoked, but she wasn’t God’s best for him and he wasn’t God’s best for her. He didn’t listen and he dated her anyway. There were times in that relationship that were not only difficult, but miserable for both of them. They struggled to even like each at times and it went on too long. All of that could’ve been avoided, but my husband was eager for companionship, so he ignored God’s voice.
How do you detect God’s voice? (John 10:27) He speaks to all of us and we know His voice. If you are a Christian, the Holy Spirit dwells within you and He guides and directs you. You know you’ve heard His voice at some point. You just need to listen and obey. How do we discern God’s voice from our own? For me, sometimes it is clear because it goes against what I want to do. I wanted to marry those ex-husbands at the time, so when I heard a voice saying not to, it was pretty clear it was not my voice, but God’s voice.
Also, in Philippians 1:9-10, He tells us to pray for His love to abound in us so we can discern what is best. In Hebrews 4:12, He tells us to get into His Word to divide our flesh from His voice. The Word is how He speaks to us best. He longs for us to get into His word so he can talk to us. Once we are in His Word, He can speak to us because our hearts are open to hear Him.
Learn from MY mistakes, please! If you listen to Him now, He will give you a sweet relationship and you will have the best marriage, one that you cannot even imagine.
Photo credit: Nichole Waters Photography

Posted on July 2, 2017
Along Came Earl
This will be the final blog post around my history in so much detail. I will mention things as we move forward, but this will catch you up to speed for the most part as to where I am today.
We last left off with my sharing about what life was like after my divorce from my 2nd husband. Yes, I have been married and divorced twice, well, married three times, but divorced twice. (Read Confession Parts 1 & 2) It isn’t nearly as “shaming” as it once felt, but that is because God has shown me that He loves me in spite of all my poor decisions. That He can use me because of where I have come from. I am so thankful that He loves me this way. I am so blessed!
So, back to life after divorce #2. I was attending every Sunday church service in the church I grew up in. I was surrounded by family there and was getting what I needed at the time to come back to God. I was at peace with my life in all aspects. I hoped someday to meet a man who God had picked for me, but I wasn’t actively pursuing him at this point as I had quit dating.
Our pastor of our church had resigned his post in October of 2007 and therefore, we had been using area ministers from other churches and congregations to fill the pulpit of our country Southern Baptist Church. One Sunday in November, we had a minister come that we had never had before. We were beginning our Fall Revival that Sunday evening, but this new minister was going to be there that Sunday morning. His name was Earl. AND HE COULD PREACH!
He ministered in such a way that had me hooked into his sermons like I had never been hooked before. I was learning so much from after just a few minutes into the message. But then he switched directions smack dab in the middle of the thought almost. I thought, “He will tie all this together and it will make sense.” I continued listening and I began to get enthralled in the message again even though it was a different direction than it seemed we had begun in. Then he did it again! He jumped to a different direction! Once again, I thought that he would bring it all together and it would all make sense. Guess what. He didn’t. He just closed it up and left me literally aggravated. He had me so engrossed. Learning so much, but instead of bringing it all home, he left me hanging.
Now, let’s be clear. I was not some theologian, or even spiritually mature for that matter. Let me give you an illustration as to what I am saying. Picture yourself on a trip. You are driving down a highway, moving along easily, making good time, no traffic in your way, it is a good trip. Then you are immediately, without warning, told to detour down this other road that is not familiar and you are not sure it is going to get you where you are going. But you go along for the ride, proceeding with caution at first, but then finding some great scenery along the way. You are sure it will eventually lead you back to your original road. But then, you are diverted yet again. Just when you had hit your cruising speed, you are off in a new direction and it feels like your destination is further away now. Again, you believe that this new road will bring you back around to the first road and have you at your destination in no time. Then all at once, you have hit a dead end. There is no road to take you back or bring you around. It just ends. That is what I felt. I was actually aggravated with the whole thing.
Now understand, I really received a lot from the message, but I needed some closure. I was impressed with his ability, but just felt like I was left hanging when the service was over. We were having a potluck lunch after church (like we didn’t do that all the time) so I was hoping to corner this guy and get the gaps filled in, but he didn’t stay for the lunch. As I spoke to my dad about it later, I told him that I was so aggravated by it that I didn’t want to hear him minister again, so if he was coming back to preach, I wasn’t going to be there. (This was not some sort of a threat, it was just my way of expressing how I felt about that service.) Now my dad on the other hand, loved the message and was looking forward to hearing him again.
The next Sunday, we had a different minister so I was safe to go to church. On the next Wednesday, a week and a half after that annoying service, I was shopping in a store near where I lived. I was just browsing along and I felt someone tap my elbow. I turn around and there he was! That dreaded minister! He asked me if I was the one that was at the service that Sunday as he had recognized me (possibly with a scowl on my face) and I told him I was. He introduced himself to me and I told him who I was. As soon as he heard my last name, he asked me if I was related to (fill in my 2nd ex-husband’s name here). I told him that I wasn’t any longer. Turns out, he had gone to high school with him (small school district so he knew him well) and he was shocked that anyone married to my ex would ever attend church! HA! He really did know him!
We talked for a while and finally, I confessed that I had really struggled with his sermon on that Sunday. In fact, my exact words were, “You drove me CRAZY!” He laughed and said that he hated that service as much as I did. He struggled to deliver the message and he really blamed it on the audience! In fact, he said that if he wasn’t already scheduled to go back for more Sunday’s, he wouldn’t go back at all! I told him that I had already decided that if he was coming back, I wasn’t going to be there those Sundays. We both laughed and agreed that I would give him another shot which was scheduled for the very next Sunday, so 4 days from that point.
I was glad I had run into him and I began to look forward to Sunday. It was so strange to go from such a strong dislike for the message style to looking forward to hearing him again. That next Sunday, before the service, I came up to him and told him I was looking forward to it since we had spoken on that Wednesday. He did not fail. He was excellent. He was on point. He delivered a message that was, without a doubt, anointed by God and he did it flawlessly (in my mind anyway). Afterwards we talked as I gave him a tour of our church and he was happy with the sermon too. I was impressed with his ministry and looked forward to the next 3 Sunday morning and evening services with him.
Once those final services were over, we had become friends and finally, the week of Christmas, he asked me out on an official date. Two and a half years later, we were married and he is the man God had for me. I know this because I let God lead our relationship so much so that God Himself told us to marry. That is the kind of marriage proposal everyone should have.
Someday, I will share that story with you.
Photo Credit: Nichole Waters Photography

Posted on June 30, 2017
Life After Divorce
Picking up where I left off after the “Confession” series, leaves us with life after divorce. As I mentioned in my last post, I started a new beginning for myself, and my girls too by default. It was easier this time, not only because I had “been there, done that”, but because I wasn’t going at it alone. I had the Lord. He had shown me that all those past mistakes were in the past. I had repented for it all. I had cried a million plus tears over it all. I had paid some consequences for those decisions. And through all of that, God showed me over and over again that He was there with me. He consoled me. He showed me things in scripture to help ease pain and self-inflicted torment. He comforted me. He put people in my life to help me even if it was just for this season only.
So, while it still wasn’t easy, it was easier than the first time and I healed faster because of Him. I also made a very definitive decision to not date for at least 1 full year. I needed that time to be drawn back to God, to grow and mature, to heal, to spend time with my girls, and to spend time on self-discovery. Only then would I be ready to look at a life with someone new.
After about a year and a half, I started going on a date or two here and there. It was so different than after my first divorce. I was quick to see through people. I was not desperate for companionship because I found that I was better off alone than with the wrong person. That helped me see people in a different light. I had a new list of priorities regarding men and their beliefs. I would not consider anyone that didn’t already believe in God and every single first date (if not before) included a conversation around the Lord. It was easy to be selective once I knew exactly what I didn’t want. The longest “relationship” I had after my second divorce was about 3 weeks.
Don’t get me wrong. I was still making stupid decisions during some of this time. But my God was so faithful to show me those errors, I would repent, He would forgive me, and I would move on in a different direction. Ultimately, I got to the point that I was tired of dating people only to find out they weren’t right for me. So I quit dating again after about a year or so of this sort of dating. For the next year or more, I spent time with friends, my girls, my family, myself and God. We never missed a Sunday at church. We were at every single Sunday service during that time. I needed that and so did my girls.
God blessed me beyond all my imagination. I began a new job that afforded me the opportunity to buy a new car and to continue to live in the house my 2nd ex and I had bought together. Life was good.
And then it became incredible…(another cliff hanger)
In His love,
Photo Credit: GETTY

Posted on June 29, 2017
The Confession – Part 2
Here we are again, getting ready to relive some poor decisions I made. Isn’t it good to read about what someone else did? Ha!
So let’s dig in again. I left off last after my first divorce. I was wallowing in self-pity. When he and I decided to get divorced, it took exactly 3 weeks to write it up, hire an attorney, get in front of a judge and seal the divorce. 3 weeks. That’s it. That is custody of our daughters, household decisions, 9 years of marriage, all done in 3 weeks. That was quick! I am not sure I had time to digest it. In fact, I didn’t even have a job! I was a stay-at-home mom up until this point and my girls were young. I became stressed and depressed. I stopped eating (you can lose 70 lbs fast like that), I didn’t sleep much. I said stupid things trying to be funny at my new job. I quit going to church. I felt that EVERYONE in our little town was talking about us (I was right about that actually) so I didn’t go anywhere in public in town at all for months. It was tough.
My newly single neighbor began to come calling. I wasn’t ready for a relationship and I knew that. So for several months, I turned him down. Finally, in a moment of weakness, I agreed to go out with him. He was the worst match for me. As I said, I had not been faithfully going to church since my divorce, I had not been reading my Bible, I had certainly not been praying effectively, so my decision-making sensibility was severely lacking common sense.
But here I was on a first date with a guy who lived just 5 houses down the street. I liked him. He could be very charming. I allowed him to kiss me on our first date and that did it. I was hooked. It wasn’t that he was some awesome kisser, but I was vulnerable and desired the tenderness he presented. I was not in any condition to be making life-changing decisions, but I did anyway. Within a year, we were engaged and married 6 months after that. There was much, much, much about this man that was not God’s best for me. He told me once that he didn’t even know if he believed in God. I remember hearing that and thinking, “How could I be married to a man that does not believe in God when I believe in Him so deeply?” I will tell you how. I wasn’t living like I so deeply loved my God. I wasn’t living a life that was pleasing to Him. Not because I married the wrong guy, but because I was not seeking Him. I was not listening to Him. That is how I married a man that was the complete opposite of me and not in one of those good “opposites attract” kind of ways. We were unequally yoked.
Now, I know what you are going to ask me. “Could God have saved this marriage?” (So glad you asked me that.) Under the current situation of the marriage and the stand my ex-husband was taking, the answer was “no”. Why? I know, you thought God could do anything, right? Well He has the power to do it, but He doesn’t have the authority to do it. With that being said, my ex didn’t have any desire to pursue the things of God and flat out told me that he wouldn’t ever attend church. I once had to beg him to attend the wedding of his niece because it was in a church so the thought of attending a church service was off the table. That was not a compromise I was willing to make. My relationship with God came before my relationship with my husband and if he wasn’t willing to even consider a relationship with God, I wasn’t going to be able to stay married to him. God cannot change the will of a person and He will not go against a person’s will. Since my ex was not willing to become a believer, God would be restricted to what He could do in our marriage. Could I have stayed with him even though he was an unbeliever and I was a believer? Yes, but I was not in a place that I would have been strong enough to draw closer to God without a Spiritual husband. I needed a leader at that time and not someone that was going to give me resistance and he would have given me a lot of resistance. God talks about this in 1 Corinthians 7:15.
After 3 ½ years of marriage, we divorced. Heavy sigh This time, I committed to God that I was not going to date anyone at all for at least a full year and that I would not only get myself in church, but that I would get my girls there and stay there. I began praying differently, I began leaning on Him more, and I began letting Him lead me. And guess what, I began to see myself as God sees me and I began to believe in myself the way God believed in me. I began to see things differently, the way He sees things. What a new outlook on life I had!
I had created a new beginning…
In His love,